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双语美文:Daughter 父亲的小情人

日期:2015年03月10日 08:09 来源:可可英语 作者:佚名

1.You Are His Replacement.

Regardless of your sex, age or how menacing you actually are or aren’t, He has reigned supreme as the main man in his baby’s life for a long time。

No matter how hard you try to prove to him that you are a worthy individual for him to hand his reigns over to, he will probably never be entirely convinced。

2.You Are Annoying And Immature。
Even if you are the same age as her father or you’re the smartest human being to ever walk among us, he is still going to see you through a haze of irritation and condescension。
Particularly if there’s a generation gap, he is probably going to regard every movie, type of music or hobby preference of yours as completely ridiculous because he already has his opinions on such things and he is not about to relent them to you。
3.He Is Her Protector。
As a father, he has spent many years cherishing and protecting his daughter with all the strength and determination he is capable of. So, he’s not likely to feel an instant connection with the person who is taking away his baby girl.So beware: if you hurt his daughter, he will come down on you , and he’s constantly prepared to do so。

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